Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Story of Theodore Roosevelt in My Words:

Theodore Roosevelt graduated from Harvard as an undergraduate and had gone into politics once he was out of college. Roosevelt was appointed by Benjamin Harrison to the United States Civil Service Commission where he worked until 1895.

He worked hard and soon became Assistant Secretary of the Navy, appointed by President William McKinley in 1897. Then he had the privilege to prepare the Navy for the coming Spanish-American war in 1898.

In December 1913, he was 55 years old and went to speak in South America, Brazil’s Minister offered for Roosevelt to explore an unmapped river; the river was called Rio da Dúvida- River of Doubt.

This was after his tragic loss in the 1912 presidential election. He had lost to Woodrow Wilson by 2.2 million votes out of the 15 million that were cast. Three and a half million voted for Taft-600,000 less than Roosevelt. Roosevelt had beat Taft he did not feel proud though was rather bitter. Roosevelt had then retired to Sagamor Hill, Oyster Bay, New York, with his wife and young daughter.

 Soon he was asked to South America to speak, but was confronted by the Minister asking him to explore the rainforest. He and a group of men had mapped the whole 1,000 mile tributary whilst suffering from malaria, several deaths, an indigenous attack, and Roosevelt’s son, Kermit, saving the lot of them.

They had returned several months later. The whole time Theodore Roosevelt had kept a small but lethal dose of morphine with him. The rest of the crates of poison had to be left by the river at the beginning of their journey.

When they had returned many couldn’t believe the men had done what was said. Roosevelt had went home to his family and died on January 6, 1919 of a heart attack at Sagamor Hill, Oyster Bay, New York at the age of 60.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Online Safety

Alright, so I've heard about the Milan student making a bomb threat. His name is Anthony E. Caputo, 17, and goes to Milan High School. Apparently he made a bomb threat online because he was “bored”. The boys’ post said, “You don’t know what it’s like, I constantly fantasize of blowing up the wing as I walk away with the explosions behind me … .”
Another student had made a comment saying that was considered a bomb threat and he responded with, “Yes, let me make it more clear, I Anthony Caputo will bomb the new project based learning wing of Milan.” Then added, “Let the suspension begin! Maybe now I won’t have to come back to this god forsaken wing again.”
This senior is now being charged with threating, which can add up to four years for a bomb threat and seven years for an online threat. He will be in court on October 24, at 2:30 p.m.
I don’t think this threat should be taken seriously because it’s on Facebook and were lines from Dark Night.  Therefore, he should not be punished for something he obviously did not mean. It would be like me getting in trouble for breaking something that’s not broken. He is in his late teens close to being an adult, he shouldn’t have to spend the next eleven years in jail for something so minor.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Feed Readers

So I'm assuming many people use technorati. I have just used it today for the first time and find it very confusing to use.

 I love Google reader though, it is so easy to use and figure out on your own. Several people, including myself, have had a hard time figuring out how to subscribe to blogs using technorati.

 I definately like Google reader better than technorati because of the easy to use features. It's so user-friendly and not crammed full of pictures, news, blogs, posts, etc. Maybe it's a little hard to get lost in Google but not so hard in technorati.

Well have fun figuring out which site you would like to use most often; personally, I am going to try and use Google reader as much as I can.